luni, 17 ianuarie 2011

Barbie OOAK 2010 "N'abura the wild Queen"

N'abura the wild Queen, este o exotica regina razboinica, prima din aceasta serie , pe care am realizat-o in vara lui 2010 pentru mine.
Papusa de la care am pornit este o Barbie Generation Girls Mariko /Mari care desi avea un par superb, rosu aprins cu negru taciune, al carui potential l-am intuit imediat, avea nevoie neaparat de o repictare.
Am ales um machiaj pe nuante de negru si rosu, care sa convearga cu alb negrul imprimeului african de pe haine.

Papusa poarta un corset de piele adevarata, continuat de un brau de piele si o fusta cu imprimeu african, decorata cu piese metalice.

Bijuteriile reproduc motive ancestrale si tribale, cercuri de inspiratie Padaung(Tailanda) la gat, un colier de inspiratie Masai cu margle rosii si motive spirale, alte asememea decoratiuni cu margele rosii, pene si margele metalice , iar pe cap, coada de cal de inspiratie mongola este prinsa la randul ei cu o placuta de aluminiu. Nu lipsesc cerceii veriga, un accesoriu wild care da consistenta si forta ansamblului.

Do you like exotic dolls? I do! I realized for myself this OOAK Barbie , from a Generation Girls , Mari/Mariko, that I repainted, headdressed and dressed. The paint is realized in red and black, the same colors with her original hair.
The hair was only amassed in 6 tails. The ponytail from the peak head is amassed with a metal ornament.
The clothes are made from natural leather and zebra print material. The corset is bound on the back with laces. The skirt has a lether girdle from 2 pieces (front/back) united by metal rings. It is realisez from 2 piceces of zebra wild print, and is decorated with red beens and metal beens, with the ancient motif of the scroll. The jewellery are african, asian and ancient tribal inspired: the rings from the nack are very popular betwen the Padaung womens(Thailand), and the nacklace with red beens is inspired from the Masai culture. Another jewellery were commune in the ancient world in Africa and all around the world.

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